You'll say meaningful words in a line of blocks in any direction (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal), tap the first block that shows the alphabet, then move along the line until you reach the alphabet. the last word of that word in Word search insects. To pass a level, find every word listed on the left side. To win this game you have to complete every level.
You must locate words in a grid of letters while playing word puzzles. In some games you will get several hints and your task is to find the words that correspond to all of them. In other words, you will have to play games where you have to figure out the secret meaning of anagrams or find phrases with two meanings.
All you have to do is search for the matching alphabet and move it around the grid until it corresponds to one of the solutions below. Let's start even if it seems complicated but it is not rocket science in fact.
Same with word search, except this time with blocks instead of words. The goal is the same: locate the word in a line of blocks (horizontally, vertically or diagonally), hit the first alphabet block and move forward until you reach the letter the last word on the board. Two people can potentially participate in this game. Each player places their letters in a different position on the board. You can limit the number of moves from letter to letter to make the puzzle more difficult. The winner is the one to finish first. This game works better with smaller dictionaries, such as Word Seek.