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Use Wherdle to test your geographic knowledge. Investigate and interpret well-known locations or enigmatic locations worldwide. The game allows you fulfill your desire to travel and broaden your knowledge in addition to offering an engaging entertainment space. Based on the image and information supplied, identify the name of the enigmatic location. Check how many locations you can accurately predict.

How to engage in gameplay
Every day, five photographs from the unidentified place will be shown to players. In less than five turns, the object of the game is to accurately estimate the position. Gamers have to examine the pictures closely in order to find information and clues that will point them in the right direction. A potential surprise site can be any exciting place on the planet, be it a well-known landmark, a busy city, or an amazing natural phenomena. After every guess, players will receive instant feedback showing them how close they were to the correct position and which way to go next. Details regarding whereabouts and mobility: When the player guesses, the game indicates to them how far they are from the actual location and the direction they need to move in order to get closer to the mystery location. If a player finds the secret location correctly in five turns, they win the game for that day.

All of the beautiful images in Wherdle are from the Travelerspoint community, a website devoted to travel. In addition to being a challenging and fun game, Wherdle gives you the opportunity to visit far-flung places and experience the world through your friends' eyes.

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